Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Does A Cash Gifting Program Really Work As A Home Based Business Alternative?

The Truth About Cash Gifting - Part 1

We've all heard about the next BIG home based business opportunity. You know, the one that will make you an instant millionaire and you won't have to do any work to get there. All you have to do is send in your money and the next thing you know in 30 to 60 days you will never have to go to the 9 to 5 ever again. Yes, and I have a parcel of land ...

We also all know that marketing on the internet can be a risky business at best if we know nothing about the company or better yet some of the people that promote the company. More and more we all need to have our scam radar working overtime to decipher the real work at home opportunity from the Get Rich Quick scheme.

Does A Cash Gifting Program Really Work As A Home Based Business Alternative?

One of the best income opportunities ever offered is a "real" Cash Gifting program. Now with that said it must be brought to light that there is a difference in this type of program. Some cash programs in the past were just "pyramid schemes" dressed up for a night out on the town. So let's look at what it takes to make a real Cash Gifting program work for anyone that gets involved.

Cash Gifting can be defined as: The act of privately or publicly giving another person or entity a declared sum of cash, (as a gift) and giving it freely without coerce or consideration. Cash Gifting is in no way a loan or any type of payment for goods or services received. Now guess why it's called a cash gift... because that's exactly what it is.

Let's lay out a few of the reasons some of the Cash Gifting programs in the past have failed in a very short time:

1) The founders of some of these programs had no concept of how to set up a proper
Cash Gifting program to assist the members with a working "business model". Any home based business or work at home opportunity needs a proper plan of operation to be a success, even a Cash Gifting program.

2) No tracking system was devised to keep all of the members abreast of what monies were coming their way or when to expect them.

3) There were no legal documents created nor provided to outline the transfers of cash gifts from one person to another.

4) In some instances there was no proven or tested marketing system provided for the members. Along with not providing tested marketing concepts, the members were set up to fail before they ever got started, unless they were seasoned veterans.

5) Without a way to track the members advertising efforts no one knew what, when, why or how their hard earned dollars were being spent and what in fact was their ROI. (Return On Investment)

So what did this all lead up to? In the past many Cash Gifting programs quickly got labeled as unethical and some were called pyramid schemes or even scams. Now, in most instances this was not true, but without a proper "business model", destiny prevailed. I'm sure a large number of us have received the "Send to 5 people and you can make a kazillion dollars in the next 30 days" letter. That type of Cash Gifting letter is the perfect example of the old adage "one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch".

Stay tuned for part two of this series and more relevant information on Cash Gifting and other home based business opportunities.

God Bless and Always Remember To Make It A Great Day!!

Michael J Kohn

New Image Marketing Group, Inc.

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Michael Kohn has been in sales and marketing for over 25 years. He currently makes a living as president of New Image Marketing Group Inc., an internet marketing and direct sales company. He brings a modern and easy-to-follow approach to direct and on-line selling. A native of Wisconsin, Mike was previously an insurance claims adjuster for the banking industry. Visit At: http://www.MastersIncome.com, http://www.PassiveMillions.com

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Friday, December 21, 2012

How to End Sabotaging Relationship Patterns and Melt the Walls

Whether you are in a relationship that has just begun or one that began decades ago, if you are not satisfied with the behaviors you are shown, simply change your response to those behaviors, and a reaction will result.

Your partner's reaction will have to change to reflect the changes in your attitudes, your guidelines and boundaries.

All you can change is you.

How to End Sabotaging Relationship Patterns and Melt the Walls

All you can control and manipulate

is your own choice.

You can react to what you are shown,

or you can leave the source of discomfort in your life.

For as you change, as you grow, your reactions do as well.
You break the cycle of dysfunction within a relationship when
you choose to respond in a new, more highly evolved fashion.

When you love another, your communication of self-love is
what allows the love to flow between you. Not a wall, not a
game, not a punishment, not lashing out, not carrying on hysterically,
but only love of self communicates what you see, feel,
or observe to be beyond the boundary of what you will tolerate.
When you whine, beg, plead, cry, yell, scream, throw, hit,
or lash out, your actions do not deserve the respect you ultimately
are entitled to.

But when you openly and calmly share anything that displeases
you, anything that causes you to feel unvalued or unappreciated,
then you have genuine communication. Then you
have friendship, understanding, respect for each other's feelings,
and the integrity to preserve the good you have found.
Build a new bridge of understanding over the turbulent
waters of confusion and pain. Allow past hurts and pains to
flow out of your system and out of the dynamic of your relationship
by sharing truth honestly, deeply, and purely When
you both do that, truth and understanding will replace chaos
and pain.

Melting the walls that stand between you

Much of the discord couples experience comes from fear of
exposing their true feelings - their love, fears, doubts, insecurities
- their true selves. So they hide their truth behind ego,
pride, defense mechanisms, stories, lies, and games instead of
communicating authentically.

When you do this, it robs you of your own solid foundation,
your feelings of strong self-worth, self-respect, and
high self-esteem. When you are too afraid to expose the real
you, then you play the games that destroy a genuine healthy
relationship or romantic friendship. But as you heal and realize
there is nothing so terrible to hide, you then begin to
feel more secure to share your truth. As you do this, you reinforce
your self-worth and, at the same time, you reinforce
the relationship's foundation with truth.

When two people love, they have a common ground
from which to build a new foundation based on trust, mutual
respect, and mutual understanding. Yet, there must be
compromise. One cannot yield all the time. Satisfaction of
needs, wants, requests, and desires must be reciprocal.

Think about the word "relationship." Relate your concerns
and feelings on the ship of your making, so you may
travel together on a sea of understanding.

If you begin a relationship with a pre-set agenda, you will
find that you are not being your real self. You act the way you
think the other wants you to act. You toss aside many of your
goals, interests, dreams, and aspirations because you think
that doing so will allow you to "get" this man or this woman.

And in that process you steal the foundation of your truth, of
your core, from your very self, and you prevent the other
from knowing your inner beauty.

Like so many people, you may try to be perfect at the beginning
of a relationship. You try to look your best, act your
best, feel your best. But you leave out the most important ingredient:
the real you, which is the best you. Like so many
people, you think that if you showed the real you, your potential
partner would surely run, leaving skid marks on the way.

What is so wrong or terrible with the real you?

Perfection is not exciting. It is boring.

If you always try to be perfect, you create discomfort with
the other person and actually prevent the growth of true
friendship and intimacy.

Where are her moods? Doesn't he ever get angry? Does she
always look so perfect? Doesn't he ever have a bad day? Why
can't she show me she gets mad? Doesn't he have any real feelings?
Is she always so intellectual? Does he really have a heart?
Where is it? How can I show my real self if he or she doesn't do
it too?

You see, when you both present your real and genuine
selves to each other, you lay a solid foundation from which
you can develop an honest and meaningful friendship or romance
with one another.

You may know that many times people will test others to
see what they will put up with, what they will tolerate. Testers
want to find out how much they can get away with. They also
want to know whether the testees have enough respect and
regard for themselves to put the testers in their place if they
cross the line.

Sometimes the one you date

wants to see that you have guts,

that you are not a spineless wimp,

that you do have self-respect,

that you will only tolerate being treated

with common decency and respect.

So, show it!

If others say something to you that strikes a
Chord within, and you don't like the feelings you are getting as
a result of their words or actions, you must speak up and say
so. Now.

You can say it gently and graciously,

but make sure that it is said.

By speaking up, you honor and preserve your self-esteem,
your personal dignity. Others then know how you feel
as a result of what they did or said, and they know what you
are requesting of them; it then becomes their choice as to
whether they will honor your personal boundaries.

Each person is entitled to all of his or her own beliefs,
opinions, preferences, joys, and individuality.

You do not own others; they are not your property. You
share your time or your life together. As you learned in
nursery school, sharing is giving; it is not taking, and it is
not demanding that another does it all your way.

© Copyright by Barbara Rose, All Rights Reserved. Excerpt from Individual Power: Reclaiming Your Core, Your Truth and Your Life. Published by The Rose Group (2003) ISBN: 097414570X

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Barbara Rose, Ph.D. is the best selling author of nine books including If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!, Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE, and Know Yourself. She is an internationally recognized expert in personal transformation, relationships, consciousness and spiritual awakening, and a pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication, the nondenominational study and integration of humanity's God Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. Dr. Rose is known for providing life changing answers, quick practical coaching and deep spiritual wisdom to people worldwide as the Founder and Director of IHSC, Institute of Higher Self Communication. Her highly acclaimed books, public speaking events, spiritual intensives, teleseminars, webcasts, and internationally published articles have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. Dr. Rose works in cooperation with some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sales Training Tips - 7 Ideas Proven To Boost Sales

Many people, including some in the sales profession, believe that sales training is a waste of time and money. A popular belief is that sales people are born to sell, and that an individual either "has it" or they don't, and nothing can be done to change it.

This belief has been proven to be wrong. Selling is a learned skill. Many of the beliefs about the skills required for success are much different than those actually necessary.

Below is a list of truths about the sales profession:

Sales Training Tips - 7 Ideas Proven To Boost Sales

Sales is a learned skill. A sales rep will never reach their true potential until this fact is accepted. True professionals study and practice the skills proven to be effective and continue sales training throughout their career.

Sales calls can be made any time. Many sales reps actually believe sales calls can only be made after 9:00 or before 3:00. The professional knows someone prefers 7:00 a.m. and others work evenings. Professionals find people to see them for a full day every day.

The minds controls most sales. This is why many sales come in succession. It's often called a lucky streak, but it isn't. It is the sales rep "assuming the sale" without faking it. The previous sale programs the brain to believe the next one will buy also, and it often happens as a result. It is a 100% true belief the buyer is going to buy today.

Good telemarketing is critical. Work backwards and determine how many calls are necessary to develop a full week of appointments. This number is the amount of calls that must be made each week.

Increase selling time. The only time that is real "value added" is the time spent with the prospect or customer. The time getting an appointment, traveling to and from locations, completing paper work, and attending meetings is an incidental necessity, but not value added. Do all of these tasks outside of the high value added hours. Increasing value added selling time can be learned using lean manufacturing and six sigma principles.

Learn to Close. Closing is the most learned skill in the profession. When a prospect objects about the price, color, service, or anything else, the sales pro knows exactly how to respond down to the specific words. At the point of the objection, there is no time to think. All thought should be directed toward body language and preparing the next 3-4 steps in the sales cycle.

Learn sales techniques. Techniques are not tricks, and no sales rep would be effective trying to trick someone into buying. Some believe closing is using tricks but it is not true. It is simply being an effective negotiator helping the customer make a buying decision. For example, with a service objection such as the length of after-sale service being too short, the sales rep should use a "right angle close". This negotiation is simply stating the answer with a buying question, such as "If I can get the two week service changed to four, will you give us a try today"?

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

TeleSeminars - 7 Steps to Interviewing the Thought Leaders in Your Market with TeleSeminars

Do you know how to use teleseminars to interview the thought leaders in your market? Read on to discover the 7 steps you need to know.

The 7 steps

1. Find a Market of Interest - Finding a market does not mean finding a topic. A topic is not a market. A market is made up of people who are passionate about a topic and have money to spend.

TeleSeminars - 7 Steps to Interviewing the Thought Leaders in Your Market with TeleSeminars

2. Seek 40 Thought Leaders in that Market - These are the leaders in your market of interest. In other words, these

leaders interest you because they're in that market of interest to you. When you seek the 40 thought leaders out, you're going to tell them that you'll do 100% of the work and that you're going to pay 100% of the cost.

3. Contact All 40 Thought Leaders to JV with Three - This is so powerful. You need to contact all of them, and with some of

them, you'll be calling eight, 10, 12, 15, 30 times. In the end, you'll JV with three of them because I have found that eight percent of the

people will say yes if they are unfamiliar with you.

4. Publish Web Pages for Each - Sometimes you can get an interview with someone who's very difficult

simply by putting up a web page that has their ask name on it first.

5. Host the TeleSeminars - You host them, interview them and say, "Here's what I want to do. You email your list. You can make it go to just prospects, if you'd like, and I'll host it for you. I'll interview you. Your prospects are really asking the questions anyway. Now, it will be a free call; however, if they want the replay, we'll give it to them for , and you will get 100% of the profit." Think about that. You host a teleseminar. It's a free call. It's going to their list, and you can build a list if you want. You can get that as a free payment, or you can just get branding value by being associated with that thought leader.

6. Record Your Call and Have It Transcribed - When you interview someone, you want to record the call and have it transcribed. Then, you can sell the audio transcripts, which is a short way of saying that you get the audio recording and the enhanced PDF transcripts. This could allow you to get a little piece of the profit, if you ask the leaders you are interviewing for that.

7. Resell It or Give It Away - Ask the thought leader, "Can I resell the audio transcripts after the call and keep 100% of the profit?" If he asks, "Why?," say, "You're branded all over the place, and this is all about you. Can I at least give it away because if I give it away more people will see it? So I'm giving you free advertising."

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And are you ready to learn more about how I do it?

Then I invite you to check out http://www.AlexMandossianToday.com to claim your access to over 4 hours of my TeleSeminar Secrets Training.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Linear Regression Analysis - Interpreting Regression Coefficients

So what do those regression coefficients really mean?  It can actually get quite tricky--unless you have a very straightforward, textbook-like example with all continuous predictors.  (And almost no one has those if they're using real data).

A linear regression model with two predictor variables will look something like this:

Y = B0 %2B  B1*X1 %2B B2*X2 %2B E.

Linear Regression Analysis - Interpreting Regression Coefficients

Y is the response variable; X1, the first predictor variable; X2, the second predictor variable; and E, the residual error. The parameters in the model are B0, the Y-intercept; B1, the first regression coefficient; and B2, the second regression coefficient.

One example would be a model of an overall physical health score (Y) based on years of education (X1) and whether the individual is or is not in poverty (X2 ). Poverty status is a dummy coded variable, coded 0 for respondents who are not in poverty, and coded 1 for respondents who are in poverty.  Let us say it turned out that the regression equation was estimated as follows:

Y = 42 %2B 2.3*Education - 11*Poverty

Interpreting the Intercept

42, the Y-intercept, can be interpreted as the mean value of Y if both Education and Poverty = 0. We would expect an average physical health score of 42 people not in poverty with no education.  In this model, as is often the case, this isn't a meaningful value, since Education never really equals 0.  So in a model like this, the only use of B0 is in calculating predicted values.  It has no real interpretation.

Interpreting Coefficients of Continuous Predictor Variables

Since Education is a continuous variable, its coefficient, 2.3, is the difference in the mean physical health score for each one-year difference in Education across all levels of Poverty Status. This means that if two groups of people all had the same poverty status, but differed on education by one year, the group with one more year of education would have a mean physical health score that's 2.3 points higher. 

Interpreting Coefficients of Categorical Predictor Variables

Similarly, the coefficient for Poverty Status, -11, is interpreted as the difference in the mean physical health score for each one-unit difference in Poverty Status, if Education remains constant. However, since Poverty Status is a categorical variable coded as 0 or 1, a one unit difference represents switching from one category to the other.  The coefficient is then the average difference in physical health for people not in poverty (Poverty = 0) and people in poverty (Poverty = 1).   So compared to people not in poverty, we would expect people in poverty to have physical health scores 11 points lower, on average, at the same level of education. 

Interpreting Coefficients of Correlated Predictor Variables

It is really, really important to keep in mind that each coefficient is influenced by the other variables in a regression model. Because predictor variables are nearly always correlated, two or more variables may explain the same variation in Y. Therefore, each coefficient does not explain the total effect on Y of its corresponding variable, as it would if it were the only variable in the model. Rather, each coefficient represents the additional effect of adding that variable to the model, if the effects of all other variables in the model are already accounted for. This means each coefficient will change when other variables are added to or deleted from the model.

It is also important to remember that all these interpretations change when the model gets more complicated.  Centering, interactions, and polynomial terms all affect the meaning of the regression coefficients.

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And now I would like to invite you to learn more about interpreting regression coefficients, including interactions, centered predictors, and more in one of my FREE monthly Analysis Factor Teleseminars: "Interpreting Linear Regression Parameters: A Walk Through Output." Visit http://www.analysisfactor.com/learning/teletraining4.html to get started today.

© 2008 Karen Grace-Martin -- Statistical Consultant and founder of The Analysis Factor

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

It Works Marketing? A Skeptic's Honest Review

If you're looking for a review of the It Works opportunity, you've found it!

About 7 years ago, a company by the name of It Works! was created in Grand Rapids, MI. The CEO of the company, Mark Pentecost, found a 'body wrap' which could be targeted to any area of the body to see slimming results in just 45 minutes. This wrap became known as the "Ultimate Body Applicator" and has drastically changed the face of the health and wellness industry ever since.

Does their product "The Ultimate Applicator" Really Work?

It Works Marketing? A Skeptic's Honest Review

When I was first introduced to the concept that a body wrap could really help to facilitate fat loss - I rolled my eyes. But, in April of this past year, I attended an Expo in Cincinnati where I saw the It Works Marketing Team wrapping expo participants of the American Massage Therapy Association. I saw over 100 people wrapped that day, and never have I experienced such genuine excitement from strangers-all in one place. While I don't know any of those people on a personal basis, I do know that many of those people came back from that expo with over 9 inches gone from their waistline.

So, does the Ultimate Applicator work? Definitely!

Company Financial Summary/Payment Plan

After a skeptical review of the It Works Marketing payment plan, it appears that they are in pretty good shape for the long term. The CEO of the company has extensive experience in multi-level marketing and a sound long-term business plan. I would say that their payment plan appears to be a bit too rewarding for their distributors to last.

However, they have long since surpassed the critical stage for a network marketing company to survive - so I guess I could be wrong in that assumption. Currently the only flaw I can see is a lack of tools and a dominating web presence. But, apparently, there is an extensive overhaul, and state-of-the-art web release coming this summer which is poised to double the size of the company.

So, although, I was very skeptical at first, the It Works Marketing team proved me wrong. They seem to be very well poised for long term growth.

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If you'd like to learn the secret to working from home with It Works Global, click here: It Works Global!

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Friday, November 30, 2012

How Can H Pylori Cause Anxiety and Depression?

It is well known that H. pylori can cause digestive symptoms such as heartburn, reflux, bloating, nausea and vomiting. However, the knock on effects of bacterial and parasitic infections can be profound and may cause seemingly unrelated symptoms.

Research has clearly shown that H. pylori can cause vitamin B12 deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia.

Typically, in medical research other nutrients are not studied. However nutritionists who use advanced laboratory testing techniques commonly see deficiencies in vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 when patients have digestive infections. It is also not uncommon to see amino acid and fatty acid insufficiencies.

How Can H Pylori Cause Anxiety and Depression?

If the body becomes nutritionally depleted as a result of H. pylori and other digestive infections, symptoms can develop elsewhere in the body.

For example, amino acids are required for the production of thyroid hormone and the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. B6 is required for the formation of dopamine. If these chemicals are low in the body, depression, anxiety and fatigue can easily set in.

Typically SSRI antidepressant drugs will be prescribed in these situations but the key to successful treatment is actually to ensure the gut is functioning properly. This means removing H. pylori, other infections and ensuring proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Convenient and inexpensive urine testing can be employed to evaluate nutritional status and short-term supplementation can be used to replenish specific nutrient levels.

It is known that H. pylori and other digestive infections cause inflammation in the digestive tract. H. pylori is well known as a major cause of gastritis.

Inflammation always requires an anti-inflammatory response. The body's anti-inflammatory hormones are cortisol and cortisone. High levels of inflammation lead to higher than normal levels of cortisol. Because cortisol is a stimulatory hormone, high levels can lead to anxiety and panic.

An increased demand for cortisol also leads to a reduction in the sex hormones - progesterone, oestrogen and testosterone. Imbalances in these hormones can cause a multitude of symptoms, including depression, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, period pains, acne and more.

If the H. pylori is not dealt with and the inflammation continues, the cortisol levels will start to drop as the adrenal glands where it is made become fatigued. Low cortisol can also cause mood symptoms.

Doctors tend to overlook digestive infections as a cause of mood problems but the reality is that if a patient cannot absorb nutrients and has imbalanced hormones, mental and emotional symptoms are almost inevitable.

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If you are struggling with unexplained mood symptoms such as depression, anxiety, PMS, PMDD, take a look at http://www.h-pylori-symptoms.com. You may want to join one of our free global teleseminars so that you can personally ask me your burning questions.

Dave Hompes makes it easy for people to beat Helicobacter Pylori, heartburn, ulcers & digestive pain. You can download the first three chapters of his ebook Overcoming H Pylori Naturally absolutely free by visiting: http://www.h-pylori-symptoms.com.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Linear Regression Analysis - When NOT to Center a Continuous Predictor Variable

There are two reasons to center predictor variables in any time of regression analysis - linear, logistic, multilevel, etc.

1. To lessen the correlation between a multiplicative term (interaction or polynomial term) and its component variables (the ones that were multiplied).
2. To make interpretation of parameter estimates easier.

But when is centering NOT a good idea?

Linear Regression Analysis - When NOT to Center a Continuous Predictor Variable

Well, basically when it doesn't help.

For reason #1, it will only help if you have multiplicative terms in a model. If you don't have any multiplicative terms - no interactions or polynomials - centering isn't going to help.

For reason #2, centering especially helps interpretation of parameter estimates (coefficients) when:

a) you have an interaction in the model
b) particularly if that interaction includes a continuous and a dummy coded categorical variable and
c) if the continuous variable does not contain a meaningful value of 0
d) even if 0 is a real value, if there is another more meaningful value, such as a threshold point. (For example, if you're doing a study on the amount of time parents work, with a predictor of Age of Youngest Child, an Age of 0 is meaningful and will be in the data set, but centering at 5, when kids enter school, might be more meaningful).

So when NOT to center:

1. If all continuous predictors have a meaningful value of 0.
2. If you have no interaction terms involving any continuous predictors with categorical ones.
3. And if there are no values that are particularly meaningful.

All three of these criteria should apply before you choose to not center. If any one is false, centering will help you interpret your coefficients.

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And now I'd like to invite you to learn more about linear regression analysis, including interpreting interactions, centered predictors, polynomials, and more in one of my FREE monthly Analysis Factor Teleseminars: "Interpreting Linear Regression Parameters: A Walk Through Output." Visit Teletraining 4 to get started today.

© 2008 Karen Grace-Martin -- Statistical Consultant and founder of The Analysis Factor

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wedding Parties: An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Is a Fun and Inexpensive Party Idea

An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social is a fun and inexpensive wedding party idea.

Ice Cream Socials make for a great party theme for engagement parties, couples showers, afternoon wedding receptions, wedding weekend festivities the day after the wedding or welcome home parties.

The ice cream social party theme has delighted men, women and children for generations!

Wedding Parties: An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Is a Fun and Inexpensive Party Idea

It is so easy to create An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social. For the budget conscious, an ice cream social delivers excellent bang for the buck! Crunch the numbers and see for yourself!

Items Needed:

1. Ice Cream

You can simply serve vanilla ice cream or you can offer a variety of flavors.

2. Assorted Toppings

Chopped nuts, chopped orios, m&ms, chocolate chips, granola, coconut, dried fruits, fresh fruits, etc.

3. Assorted Sauces

Chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, strawberry sauce, hot fudge sauce, blueberry sauce

4. Whip Cream

Regular, light, and now you can even get chocolate whip cream!

5. Tablecloths, centerpieces, table decor

Create a special look!

6. Serving Bowls

You will need big serving bowls for the ice cream.

7. Ice Scoops and serving spoons

Make sure to have plenty of ice scoops and spoons to serve the different toppings.

8. Individual ice cream dishes, spoons, napkins for guests

You can rent old fashioned ice cream dishes or even use pretty disposable bowls.

9. Camera and film

Take lots of pictures and make a little scrap book at a later date.

10. Ice

Regular Ice and Dry Ice, too (if you do not have freezers at the party location)

11. Beverages

Tubs of iced down sodas and bottled waters, pitchers of lemonade, frozen ice cream punch station

12. Cookies or Brownies

Not necessary but well received!

13. Fresh Fruit Display

Not necessary but also well received!

Add something like a game of croquet to your theme and you will have the makings of a wonderful old fashioned party that will long be remembered!

Abundant Blessings!

Kathi Dameron

Wedding Reception Teleseminars For Brides

Learn How To Self-Cater or Semi-Cater Your Own Wedding Reception


© 2006 Kathi Dameron, Kathi Dameron and Associates

Note To Publishers: You are invited to share this article through your ezine, website or print publication provided you publish this article in its entirety and include the copyright statement, bio information, active website links and contact information.

Wedding Parties: An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Is a Fun and Inexpensive Party Idea
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Kathi Dameron teaches brides-to-be how to create beautiful and affordable wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, bridesmaid luncheons and other festive soirees that pop with personality and panache.

Today, Kathi shares her wedding reception expertise that she gained during her tenure as the owner, chef, and event designer of Canopy Rose Catering, a high end catering and special event company that was located in Tallahassee, Florida.

Brides and other interested individuals who want to learn the secrets to creating a dream wedding on any budget can attend Kathi's Wedding Reception Teleseminars.

Brides can learn more about attending these teleseminars from the comfort of their own home by visiting http://www.kathidameron.com or contacting Kathi Dameron at 850-422-3599

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

What Is a Podcast and How Does It Work?

Podcasts can be an effective method of developing traffic, attracting customers and building your credibility. It can turn you from a want to-be to a true expert in the eyes of your customers and prospects.

But what is a podcast?

The term itself is a contraction of two words - iPod and broadcast. The Apple iPod of course, is an MP3 player. An electronic version of the old tape recorder if you will.

What Is a Podcast and How Does It Work?

So the term itself would indicate that a podcast is some form of a regular broadcast using MP3 audio format and portable players -- the Apple name being optional. But a podcast is really both more and less than this.

For the purposes of this article I'm going to deal with what a podcast is on four levels.

1. A podcast is an audio file. In theory it is provided in MP3 format. MP3 format is a very capable, yet very compact format used for audio recording. It is also manufacturer independent. However, podcasts can also be provided using either the Windows native format (WMA) or Apple's Quicktime audio. In fact, there are a large number of audio formats available and podcasts can be found in any of them. However, MP3 is the most popular format.

2. It is intended to be retrieved from a website (e.g. iTunes or the creator's website) and downloaded to an MP3 player such as the iPod or one of many other manufacturers products. This recording can then be played back at any time while the audience is busy doing something else. Cars are a frequent location for the playback of these files. Busy commuters can listen to something useful while traveling to and from the office.

3. Content is whatever the podcast creator wishes. Like any radio broadcast. However, typically they tend to be focused on spoken content rather than music. This content can be provided in a number of different forms including teleseminars, interviews and readings.

4. In theory podcasts do not have to be regular. However, in practice they fit into two types. One time podcasts are usually not referred to as podcasts. The repeating podcast is repeated either once per week or once per month or daily. In short, they are meant to be a regularly re-occurring broadcast of opinion, information or news. In practice, audio files which are one-time only are referred to as MP3s. The term podcast is usually restricted to broadcasts which repeat on a regular basis.

What Is a Podcast and How Does It Work?
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Glen Ford is an accomplished consultant, trainer and writer. He has far too many years experience as a trainer and facilitator to willingly admit.

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