Monday, February 25, 2013

Linear Regression Analysis - Interpreting the Intercept in a Regression Model

The intercept (often labeled the constant) is the expected mean value of Y when all X=0.

Start with a regression equation with one predictor, X.

If X sometimes = 0, the intercept is simply the expected mean value of Y at that value.

Linear Regression Analysis - Interpreting the Intercept in a Regression Model

If X never = 0, then the intercept has no intrinsic meaning. In scientific research, the purpose of a regression model is to understand the relationship between predictors and the response.  If so, and if X never = 0, there is no interest in the intercept. It doesn't tell you anything about the relationship between X and Y.

You do need it to calculate predicted values, though.  In market research, there is usually more interest in prediction, so the intercept is more important here.

When X never =0 is one reason for centering X. If you rescale X so that the mean or some other meaningful value = 0 (just subtract a constant from X), now the intercept has a meaning. It's the mean value of Y at the chosen value of X.

If you have dummy variables in  your model, though, the intercept has more meaning.  Dummy coded variables have values of 0 for the reference group and 1 for the comparison group. Since the intercept is the expected mean value when X=0, it is the mean value only for the reference group (when all other X=0).

This is especially important to consider when the dummy coded predictor is included in an interaction term.  Say for example that X1 is a continuous variable centered at its mean.  X2 is a dummy coded predictor, and the model contains an interaction term for X1*X2.

The B value for the intercept is the mean value of X1 only for the reference group.  The mean value of X1 for the comparison group is the intercept plus the coefficient for X2.

Linear Regression Analysis - Interpreting the Intercept in a Regression Model
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And now I would like to invite you to learn more about interpreting regression coefficients, including centered predictors, interactions, and more, in one of my FREE monthly Analysis Factor Teleseminars: "Interpreting Linear Regression Coefficients: A Walk Through Output." Visit to get started today.

© 2008 Karen Grace-Martin â€" Statistical Consultant and founder of The Analysis Factor

Karen Grace-Martin has helped social science researchers practice statistics for 9 years, as a statistical consultant at Cornell University and at The Analysis Factor. She knows the kinds of resources and support that researchers need to practice statistics confidently, accurately, and efficiently, no matter what their statistical background. To get answers, advice, and a list of resources to help you learn and apply appropriate statistics to your data, visit

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Christmas Fundraising Letters - Make Your Direct Mail Appeal Original But Contemporary at Year End

If your non-profit organization is typical, your direct mail program raises 50 percent of its revenue with one mailing-the Christmas appeal. More people give more money to the "Holiday Season" letter than they give to any other single mailing all year. Your goal this Christmas is to persuade these generous donors to give again. Here's how.

1. Make your message original
Just because Christmas commemorates Jesus' birth doesn't mean your letter has to dwell on the events that took place around the manger. You don't have to show donkeys. Instead, consider the other characters in the drama and find a way to present your case for support through them.

For example, Mary and Joseph are living in a land occupied by a foreign army (sound familiar?). Joseph's fiancé is pregnant with a child that isn't his, but he stays with her and raises the child as his son anyway. Uncommon. The prevailing emotion surrounding the birth of Jesus is fear. The shepherds tremble in the fields. Herod acts out of fear. Mary and Joseph flee for their lives to Egypt.

Christmas Fundraising Letters - Make Your Direct Mail Appeal Original But Contemporary at Year End

2. Tie your Christmas appeal to current events or current themes
The key to connecting with your donors through paper and postage is relevance. Your must present a need that they both understand and care about. One way to demonstrate the relevance of your cause is to tie your case for support in your Christmas letter with the events that are uppermost in your donors' lives right now.

For example, right now, (October 2008), folks in the United States are electing their next president and folks in Canada are electing their next prime minister. The people who lived in Israel during the time of that first Christmas had no voice and no vote, living as they did under a military dictatorship.

Again, your donors are living through a time of tremendous financial volatility. Banks are going bankrupt. Millions are losing their homes to foreclosure. And the stock markets worldwide are crashing. Can you tie any of these themes to the events that Christmas celebrates, such as "peace on earth," "goodwill to all men," and the world's obvious need for some divine intervention. I know you can.

So I suppose you can see that what I recommend you do at Christmas is say something about the season that your readers have never thought of before (be original) while showing how closely Christmas, and your need for funds, is more relevant and obvious today than ever before. The gifts will come.

This book helps . . .
Read Breakthrough Fundraising Letters. Master the proven techniques that professional direct mail fundraising copywriter Alan Sharpe uses to craft breakthrough letters. You'll learn the mistakes to avoid, the best practices to implement right now, and the tips, techniques and shortcuts that you can use for years to come.


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About the author
Alan Sharpe publishes Direct Mail Fundraising Today, the free, weekly email newsletter that helps non-profit organizations raise funds, build relationships and retain loyal donors. Alan is the author of Breakthrough Fundraising Letters and 25 handbooks on direct mail fundraising. Alan is also a speaker and workshop leader who delivers public seminars and teleseminars on direct mail fundraising. Sign up for Alan's newsletter at

© 2008 Alan Sharpe.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Public Speaking - 5 Tips for Getting Past the Ums And Ahs So Your Message Gets Through Loud & Clear

Public speaking is a powerful way for a solo professional or small business owner to market your business. So is presenting teleseminars. But what happens when you get stuck saying too many ums and ahs? Should you quit speaking in favor of other marketing methods? Here is an actual panicked message I received from a client followed by my response:

"Help! I just listened to myself speak on a recording and I had to stop it within a minute. The Ummmss and Ahhhss were horrendous -- 4 or 5 within that time frame! I plan to conduct many teleseminars and do public speaking and this just has to stop now."

Here are the top 5 most effective ways to get past the ums so your message comes through loud and clear:

Public Speaking - 5 Tips for Getting Past the Ums And Ahs So Your Message Gets Through Loud & Clear

1.Practice Out Loud

If you have a tendency to um and uh, the reason is often because you have an idea of what you want to say next, but you're not totally certain. So you insert a verbal filler to fill the space while you figure out the next word. Practicing out loud will get you to the point where you are completely comfortable with what you're saying, and therefore not have the need to um or uh (or at least greatly reduce it). If you plan on delivering the same material multiple times, you'll have to practice much less often as you gain more experience. If you can, record yourself while practicing so you can hear where you tend to um and uh the most.

2. Work From Detailed Notes and Not a Script

You'd think a word-for-word script would make it easier to stop the ums... and it can. But only if you have experience making a script sound natural. Otherwise you'll sound like you're reading. That's the opposite extreme of um and uh and sounds just as bad.

3. Be Aware

This is important. Many people have no idea they rely on verbal pauses or disfluencies until they hear themselves on a recording. The first step in overcoming from any addiction is to recognize and acknowledge you have one. And truly, people who say um and uh too much are addicted to their crutch words. Simply knowing you make this mistake will get you that much closer to stopping it.

4. Pay Attention

Listen to yourself as you present your speech or teleseminar. Do not think about anything else other than what you are saying, how you are saying it and your audience: IN THAT MOMENT. People will um and uh when they are distracted from their planned comments. For example, while on a teleseminar, shut down your email and other instant message features so you won't be visually interrupted (sometimes just the sound of those things can distract you enough to trigger an um.) Don't try to multi-task while leading a call or doing any type of presentation.

5. Connect with Your Audience

Here's a fun test to do the next time you're practicing with a friend: try to say um while making direct eye contact. It's nearly impossible. Why? Because you're having a conversation and um isn't a word. Um doesn't fit and doesn't make sense. While you're having a 1:1 conversation, you would likely avoid um and uh. Make your presentations much more conversational and your um and uh will disappear.

Is it crucial to get rid of all the ums and uhs? Experts disagree, but in my decades of experience as a speaker, audience member, and instructor, I haven't thought less of a speaker who had outstanding content with an occasional um or uh. You don't have to eliminate every um and uh when the rest of your message is solid. The time to get concerned is when your audience is listening for your next um instead of paying attention to your message. So fix what you can, give yourself a break, and um, keep on public speaking.

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Public speaking is one important way to increase your credibility as a small or home-based business owner. I invite you to discover how to Increase Business by Communicating Your Credibility now. You'll get this FREE e-course designed to help you attract more business and get more cash flow. Pick it up here:

If you'd like to learn more about using public speaking to market your business, visit [] . You'll learn everything you need to know from how to choose a topic, how to best organize your speech to get instant results, and where to go to get booked to speak.

Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed. is a communication consultant, speaker & coach specializing in training small and home-based business owners effective communication skills so they can see more cash flow now.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Top EFT Tapping Tips & Affirmations

Ever since I've discovered the Emotional Freedom Techniques and experienced how life-changing they can be, I have had a passion for sharing them with others. I decided to learn from the best about the most effective ways to get results.

I've spent over a year learning about EFT; researching, listening to teleseminars, radio programs and reading articles. I paid close attention to everything and I took a lot of notes.

Now I'm sharing all of the most valuable EFT tapping tips that I have found for people who want to get the most out of using the Emotional Freedom Techniques on themselves. Here are a few:

Top EFT Tapping Tips & Affirmations


1. Drink a full glass of water before tapping to stimulate and prepare your body's electrical system

2. You can tap down either side of your body with either or even both hands, or try alternating

3. Don't tap too hard. Use the same amount of pressure you would as if you were drumming your fingers on a table.

4. Take a slow deep breath after you complete a round of tapping to help move the energy through your body

5. Yawning during tapping is a sign that you are releasing energy, so let out the yawns and keep going

6. When you tap along with a group of others (either live or via recording), you will experience "borrowing benefits" whether or not you are the "primary tapper". So always tap along.

7. The key to tapping is to "tune in" and always ask yourself "How does this make me feel?" and that will be your guide.

It's actually common for people to have anxiety about not knowing what to say when they tap for themselves. The good news is - there isn't a wrong way to do EFT, you can't make a mistake or hurt yourself.

If you're having issues about knowing what to say, then choose from these powerful EFT affirmation phrases to help you move forward. These examples were drawn from actual EFT tutorials given by several of the top EFT practitioners in the field.

Here's a list of the most powerful EFT affirmation phrases to use while tapping:

I choose to...
I prefer to...
I intend to...
I decided to...
I embrace...
I love feeling...
And you can mix and match these positive affirmations with one of these many helpful phrases: and accept myself anyway
...forgive myself for feeling...
...know I did the best that I could
...accept things just as they are okay with where I am NOW
...feel safe at peace
...feel powerful inspired
...feel calm and confident my inner guidance
...release the need to...
...let go of the guilt, the shame, the resentment, the fear...

Some people get bored repeating the typical "I deeply and completely love and accept myself" affirmation. This mix of EFT phrases can help to stimulate a more specific reaction and better clearing. Play around with them and add your own words.

As always, to get the best results with EFT, tune into your feelings and intuition and let them guide you. Of course if you're still having trouble clearing your limiting beliefs on your own, then visit an EFT practitioner because this technique works for everyone and you just might need a little extra guidance.

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Click here to visit my website. It's a practical guide to learning the Universal and Spiritual Laws that will empower your personal development growth. Explains Law Of Attraction, Energy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Wealth Consciousness and more. Includes practical tips, techniques, articles, audio & video clips.


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