Friday, November 30, 2012

How Can H Pylori Cause Anxiety and Depression?

It is well known that H. pylori can cause digestive symptoms such as heartburn, reflux, bloating, nausea and vomiting. However, the knock on effects of bacterial and parasitic infections can be profound and may cause seemingly unrelated symptoms.

Research has clearly shown that H. pylori can cause vitamin B12 deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia.

Typically, in medical research other nutrients are not studied. However nutritionists who use advanced laboratory testing techniques commonly see deficiencies in vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 when patients have digestive infections. It is also not uncommon to see amino acid and fatty acid insufficiencies.

How Can H Pylori Cause Anxiety and Depression?

If the body becomes nutritionally depleted as a result of H. pylori and other digestive infections, symptoms can develop elsewhere in the body.

For example, amino acids are required for the production of thyroid hormone and the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. B6 is required for the formation of dopamine. If these chemicals are low in the body, depression, anxiety and fatigue can easily set in.

Typically SSRI antidepressant drugs will be prescribed in these situations but the key to successful treatment is actually to ensure the gut is functioning properly. This means removing H. pylori, other infections and ensuring proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Convenient and inexpensive urine testing can be employed to evaluate nutritional status and short-term supplementation can be used to replenish specific nutrient levels.

It is known that H. pylori and other digestive infections cause inflammation in the digestive tract. H. pylori is well known as a major cause of gastritis.

Inflammation always requires an anti-inflammatory response. The body's anti-inflammatory hormones are cortisol and cortisone. High levels of inflammation lead to higher than normal levels of cortisol. Because cortisol is a stimulatory hormone, high levels can lead to anxiety and panic.

An increased demand for cortisol also leads to a reduction in the sex hormones - progesterone, oestrogen and testosterone. Imbalances in these hormones can cause a multitude of symptoms, including depression, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, period pains, acne and more.

If the H. pylori is not dealt with and the inflammation continues, the cortisol levels will start to drop as the adrenal glands where it is made become fatigued. Low cortisol can also cause mood symptoms.

Doctors tend to overlook digestive infections as a cause of mood problems but the reality is that if a patient cannot absorb nutrients and has imbalanced hormones, mental and emotional symptoms are almost inevitable.

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If you are struggling with unexplained mood symptoms such as depression, anxiety, PMS, PMDD, take a look at You may want to join one of our free global teleseminars so that you can personally ask me your burning questions.

Dave Hompes makes it easy for people to beat Helicobacter Pylori, heartburn, ulcers & digestive pain. You can download the first three chapters of his ebook Overcoming H Pylori Naturally absolutely free by visiting:

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Linear Regression Analysis - When NOT to Center a Continuous Predictor Variable

There are two reasons to center predictor variables in any time of regression analysis - linear, logistic, multilevel, etc.

1. To lessen the correlation between a multiplicative term (interaction or polynomial term) and its component variables (the ones that were multiplied).
2. To make interpretation of parameter estimates easier.

But when is centering NOT a good idea?

Linear Regression Analysis - When NOT to Center a Continuous Predictor Variable

Well, basically when it doesn't help.

For reason #1, it will only help if you have multiplicative terms in a model. If you don't have any multiplicative terms - no interactions or polynomials - centering isn't going to help.

For reason #2, centering especially helps interpretation of parameter estimates (coefficients) when:

a) you have an interaction in the model
b) particularly if that interaction includes a continuous and a dummy coded categorical variable and
c) if the continuous variable does not contain a meaningful value of 0
d) even if 0 is a real value, if there is another more meaningful value, such as a threshold point. (For example, if you're doing a study on the amount of time parents work, with a predictor of Age of Youngest Child, an Age of 0 is meaningful and will be in the data set, but centering at 5, when kids enter school, might be more meaningful).

So when NOT to center:

1. If all continuous predictors have a meaningful value of 0.
2. If you have no interaction terms involving any continuous predictors with categorical ones.
3. And if there are no values that are particularly meaningful.

All three of these criteria should apply before you choose to not center. If any one is false, centering will help you interpret your coefficients.

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And now I'd like to invite you to learn more about linear regression analysis, including interpreting interactions, centered predictors, polynomials, and more in one of my FREE monthly Analysis Factor Teleseminars: "Interpreting Linear Regression Parameters: A Walk Through Output." Visit Teletraining 4 to get started today.

© 2008 Karen Grace-Martin -- Statistical Consultant and founder of The Analysis Factor

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wedding Parties: An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Is a Fun and Inexpensive Party Idea

An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social is a fun and inexpensive wedding party idea.

Ice Cream Socials make for a great party theme for engagement parties, couples showers, afternoon wedding receptions, wedding weekend festivities the day after the wedding or welcome home parties.

The ice cream social party theme has delighted men, women and children for generations!

Wedding Parties: An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Is a Fun and Inexpensive Party Idea

It is so easy to create An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social. For the budget conscious, an ice cream social delivers excellent bang for the buck! Crunch the numbers and see for yourself!

Items Needed:

1. Ice Cream

You can simply serve vanilla ice cream or you can offer a variety of flavors.

2. Assorted Toppings

Chopped nuts, chopped orios, m&ms, chocolate chips, granola, coconut, dried fruits, fresh fruits, etc.

3. Assorted Sauces

Chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, strawberry sauce, hot fudge sauce, blueberry sauce

4. Whip Cream

Regular, light, and now you can even get chocolate whip cream!

5. Tablecloths, centerpieces, table decor

Create a special look!

6. Serving Bowls

You will need big serving bowls for the ice cream.

7. Ice Scoops and serving spoons

Make sure to have plenty of ice scoops and spoons to serve the different toppings.

8. Individual ice cream dishes, spoons, napkins for guests

You can rent old fashioned ice cream dishes or even use pretty disposable bowls.

9. Camera and film

Take lots of pictures and make a little scrap book at a later date.

10. Ice

Regular Ice and Dry Ice, too (if you do not have freezers at the party location)

11. Beverages

Tubs of iced down sodas and bottled waters, pitchers of lemonade, frozen ice cream punch station

12. Cookies or Brownies

Not necessary but well received!

13. Fresh Fruit Display

Not necessary but also well received!

Add something like a game of croquet to your theme and you will have the makings of a wonderful old fashioned party that will long be remembered!

Abundant Blessings!

Kathi Dameron

Wedding Reception Teleseminars For Brides

Learn How To Self-Cater or Semi-Cater Your Own Wedding Reception


© 2006 Kathi Dameron, Kathi Dameron and Associates

Note To Publishers: You are invited to share this article through your ezine, website or print publication provided you publish this article in its entirety and include the copyright statement, bio information, active website links and contact information.

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Kathi Dameron teaches brides-to-be how to create beautiful and affordable wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, bridesmaid luncheons and other festive soirees that pop with personality and panache.

Today, Kathi shares her wedding reception expertise that she gained during her tenure as the owner, chef, and event designer of Canopy Rose Catering, a high end catering and special event company that was located in Tallahassee, Florida.

Brides and other interested individuals who want to learn the secrets to creating a dream wedding on any budget can attend Kathi's Wedding Reception Teleseminars.

Brides can learn more about attending these teleseminars from the comfort of their own home by visiting or contacting Kathi Dameron at 850-422-3599

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

What Is a Podcast and How Does It Work?

Podcasts can be an effective method of developing traffic, attracting customers and building your credibility. It can turn you from a want to-be to a true expert in the eyes of your customers and prospects.

But what is a podcast?

The term itself is a contraction of two words - iPod and broadcast. The Apple iPod of course, is an MP3 player. An electronic version of the old tape recorder if you will.

What Is a Podcast and How Does It Work?

So the term itself would indicate that a podcast is some form of a regular broadcast using MP3 audio format and portable players -- the Apple name being optional. But a podcast is really both more and less than this.

For the purposes of this article I'm going to deal with what a podcast is on four levels.

1. A podcast is an audio file. In theory it is provided in MP3 format. MP3 format is a very capable, yet very compact format used for audio recording. It is also manufacturer independent. However, podcasts can also be provided using either the Windows native format (WMA) or Apple's Quicktime audio. In fact, there are a large number of audio formats available and podcasts can be found in any of them. However, MP3 is the most popular format.

2. It is intended to be retrieved from a website (e.g. iTunes or the creator's website) and downloaded to an MP3 player such as the iPod or one of many other manufacturers products. This recording can then be played back at any time while the audience is busy doing something else. Cars are a frequent location for the playback of these files. Busy commuters can listen to something useful while traveling to and from the office.

3. Content is whatever the podcast creator wishes. Like any radio broadcast. However, typically they tend to be focused on spoken content rather than music. This content can be provided in a number of different forms including teleseminars, interviews and readings.

4. In theory podcasts do not have to be regular. However, in practice they fit into two types. One time podcasts are usually not referred to as podcasts. The repeating podcast is repeated either once per week or once per month or daily. In short, they are meant to be a regularly re-occurring broadcast of opinion, information or news. In practice, audio files which are one-time only are referred to as MP3s. The term podcast is usually restricted to broadcasts which repeat on a regular basis.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Why ANOVA and Linear Regression Are the Same Analysis

If your graduate statistical training was anything like mine, you learned ANOVA in one class and Linear Regression in another. My professors would often say things like "ANOVA is just a special case of Regression," then do a lot of hand waving when pressed to explain.

It was not until I started consulting that I realized how closely related ANOVA and regression are. They're not only related, they're the same thing. Not a quarter and a nickel--different sides of the same coin.

So here is a very simple example that shows why. When someone showed me this, a light bulb went on, even though I already knew both ANOVA and mulitple linear regression quite well (and already had my masters in statistics!). I believe that understanding this little concept has been key to my understanding the general linear model as a whole--its applications are far reaching.

Why ANOVA and Linear Regression Are the Same Analysis

As an example, I use a model with a single categorical independent variable--employment category--with 3 categories: managerial, clerical, and custodial. The dependent variable is Previous Experience in months. (This data set is employment.sav, one of the data sets that comes free with SPSS).

We can run this as either an ANOVA or a regression. In the ANOVA, the categorical variable is effect coded, which means that each category's mean is compared to the grand mean. In the regression, the categorical variable is dummy coded**, which means that each category's intercept is compared to the reference group's intercept. Since the intercept is defined as the mean value when all other predictors = 0, and there are no other predictors, the three intercepts are just means.

In both analyses, Job Category has an F=69.192, with a p Clerical: 85.039
Custodial: 298.111
Manager: 77.619

In the Regression, we find these coefficients:

Intercept: 77.619
Clerical: 7.420
Custodial: 220.492

The intercept is simply the mean of the reference group, Managers. The coefficients for the other two groups are the differences in the mean between the reference group and the other groups.

You'll notice, for example, that the regression coefficient for Clerical is the difference between the mean for Clerical, 85.039, and the Intercept, or mean for Manager (85.039 - 77.619 = 7.420). The same works for Custodial.

So an ANOVA reports each mean and a p-value that says at least two are significantly different. A regression reports only one mean (as an intercept), and the differences between that one and all other means, but the p-values evaluate those specific comparisons.

It's all the same model, the same information, but presented in different ways. Understand what the model tells you in each way, and you are empowered.

I suggest you try this little exercise with any data set, then add in a second categorical variable, first without, then with an interaction. Go through the means and the regression coefficients and see how they add up.

**The dummy coding creates two 1/0 variables: Clerical = 1 for the clerical category, 0 otherwise; Custodial = 1 for the custodial category, 0 otherwise. Observations in the Managerial category have a 0 value on both of these variables, and this is known as the reference group.

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And now I'd like to invite you to learn more about linear regression analysis, including interpreting interactions, centered predictors, polynomials, and more in one of my FREE monthly Analysis Factor Teleseminars: "Interpreting Linear Regression Parameters: A Walk Through Output." Visit Teletraining 4 to get started today.

© 2008 Karen Grace-Martin -- Statistical Consultant and founder of The Analysis Factor

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Selling Your Home Yourself in Six Steps: You Can Do It!

Contrary to what 99 out of 100 agents will tell you, it IS possible to sell your home yourself. When you undertake that task, you'll become a FSBO (pronounced "fisbo," and short for "for sale by owner"), and though it can be a challenge, it's one that thousands of home sellers tackle every day. And you can do it, too! In a nutshell, here are the things to do to become a successful FSBO.

Clean your home (inside and out) and get the yard looking spic-and-span. Set a sales price based on selling prices of homes nearby of similar size and amenities. Put a FSBO sign in your front yard with your phone number and/or email address.Place an ad in the real estate classified section of your local paper. Pass out flyers to your neighbors and put at your local shopping mall, stores, libraries, and apartment complexes.Hold an open house.

Now let's look at them individually. Cleaning up and doing whatever maintenance seems self-explanatory, but be aware that you get used to certain things (especially odors) when you live in a home everyday. So it's worthwhile to ask someone to walk through your house and give you an honest appraisal of things that need to be fixed or smells that need to be addressed, such as sticky doors, squeaky hinges, and the cat box in the utility room.

Selling Your Home Yourself in Six Steps: You Can Do It!

Setting a price can be a bit tricky, but you can find out what other homes are on the market by calling the agents listed on signs in your neighborhood and asking the prices of their houses. If the homes have been on the market a long time, you can assume they're over priced.

Putting a sign in your yard is easy. They're available in most hardware or department store, and they're cheap. Yet most agents will tell you that signs are the best advertising mediums, since people who see yard signs are cruising the neighborhood. That means they're in the market for a home in that area, so if you put a sign out, you'll get calls.

Now a word for those who are squeamish about putting your phone number on a sign. You can substitute an email address to protect yourself from unwanted calls. It will limit your number of prospects, but it will give you a greater degree of privacy. Since you're moving anyway, it might be best to list your phone number. If you know how to put pictures on the Internet, you can list you website address on the sign.

Placing a newspaper ad is easy, but make sure to give accurate information and make it enticing. Be brief, but tell buyers what's special about your home. Even with the advent of the Internet, a majority of homebuyers still cruise neighborhoods and religiously peruse real estate ads, especially on Sundays.

Putting up flyers in the area will also let people know your home is available. This can be especially effective for apartment dwellers longing to own a home of their own.

Open Houses

Handing out flyers to neighbors and inviting them to an open house can be your most effective selling tool. After all, your neighbors are happy living in your area and often have friends or family they'd love to have closer to them.

You'll notice I didn't suggest holding an open house and inviting the world. The type of open houses you see agents promoting are for the agents to get leads on home buyers. Few houses sell at open houses.

There are other factors to consider after you've found a buyer, but you can generally find help through a lawyer or an escrow company. The bottom line is: you CAN sell your home yourself. It just takes time, diligence, and attention to detail.

Copyright © 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

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Jeanette Fisher helps home sellers with five ways to make more money. Free Home Staging Information [] and reports, teleseminars, and ebooks.

For expert home selling advice please visit []

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Teleseminars - How To Use Articles and Teleseminars To Boost Your Business On The Internet

Teleseminars are calls that give you an opportunity to present your information and expertise to others from the comfort of your telephone. People can call in from anywhere in the world to hear what you have to teach to them.

Your listeners will call in on something called a bridge line. There are some bridge lines that are free, while others charge a small monthly fee for access. The most convenient times to offer teleseminars are usually Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from about four o'clock in the afternoon until eight o'clock. Depending on your topic and your listeners you may be able to give calls during the day. This would work well for people who are at home during the day, or for those who work from their homes.

I learned the concept of giving teleseminars from Jeff Herring. Jeff offers a free call each week, where he introduces his topic of article writing and marketing to promote business on the internet. From these free weekly calls he is able to get many people to sign up for teleseminars that will be given over a four week period or longer. These are paid teleseminars and teach the listeners much more than the weekly calls do.

Teleseminars - How To Use Articles and Teleseminars To Boost Your Business On The Internet

Teleseminars can also be transcribed and turned into eBooks that can be sold from a website or from a blog. If you have information that you want to pass on to others, writing articles and giving teleseminars can be an excellent way to do it.

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